Living a better life

‘Bucket List’

‘a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.
“making this trip is the first thing on my bucket list”

Isn’t it funny when you realise that 45 has crept up on you out of nowhere. Just like that friend who likes to surprise you by creeping up behind you, frightening the bejesus out of you, grabbing your waist and letting out a yell. Yes, it’s sort of amusing at the time when you get over the shock but you wish they’d never give you that fright again. Well I feel a bit like that at having turned 45. Amused that I’m now the age I once considered old, shocked at where my life is at and seriously hoping that 55/60/65 doesn’t creep up in the same way. (Horrified is a word that doesn’t even do justice to the terror in my head at the thought!)

So anyway the last few months my life has changed a lot in some ways (too much to write here but I will post in detail about it) and at the same time I’m stuck in an eternal rut healthwise. I realised if I don’t do something then the rut will be a life choice and not something I can free myself from.

Now don’t get me wrong I’m a great one for trying new things, I’ve done things that some people would consider mad. I’ve challenged myself at times and I’ve taken some risks. That said I know that my life is no where near where I’d imagined it would be at 45 and It’s disappointing to say the least. I just really want to start living a better life. To start to do this I’ve been reading motivational books, listening to motivational speakers on you tube and Facebook while preparing myself to make changes. Some things I’ve watched/heard have gone in and out of my brain quite quickly, some I’ve watched over and over, Some words have stayed with me, inspiring me as well haunting my mind and urging me to get up and do something. So I’ve decided to do something, to share with you all my plan, my goals, my bucket list and all outcomes. I’m also going to share with you my favourite motivational speakers and the words that have stayed with me.

So where do I start? Well I suppose the most satisfying thing about any list is ticking something off it before you even start the list (though maybe putting it on the list is cheating you decide?!?) so the start of my list is….

To Start a Blog! – Giant tick for that one seeing as you are reading this. I guess though what’s more important is to keep it going, not become a one post wonder and chat to you all often. So next on my list is to post at least 4 days a week, not such an easy tick on that just yet, this isn’t my first blog rodeo!!

The bucket list will also be accompanied by a goal list and the direction I’d like my life to go. Loads to write about and even more to do!

The full Bucket list (for now) will be the next blog post so watch out for it over the next few days. Maybe you have your own list that you’d like to share with me. If you have no list then where’s the one place you’ve always wanted to visit (home or away) or the one thing you’ve always wanted to do. I might be inspired to add them to my own list!

Siobhan ❤️

14 thoughts on “Living a better life”

      1. I’d love to go on a trip to the Antartic. However the only place I’d want to see one last time if I knew I was not going to live a long life would be a small place in West Cork called Allihies. My peace on earth.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Have been to Sydney but would love to get there with the kids when they’re older, same with Eurodisney (cept when they’re younger in this case!!!),also Legoland (see a theme here?;)), and New York with Mum, aunt and sister!!


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